Today was exam day for my Spanish 2 class–typically not a stress-free day, especially at the beginning of the year when students are still getting used to the technology. We used Safe Exam Browser (SEB), a secure application that locks down student devices during tests. While SEB is an excellent tool to prevent distractions and ensure academic integrity, it only works on Windows PCs and Macs. Fortunately, I have extra computers available for students who use Chromebooks or forget their devices, and I’ve assigned these to ten students who regularly need them.
I’ve developed a strategy to make test days smoother, and today it paid off. We began with a practice dialogue that reviewed the grammar featured in the exam. This activity set the tone–students were focused and took it seriously. They did so well that I let the dialogue remain on the board during the exam. It served as a helpful reference, though some students were annoyed because they had memorized everything and wanted a greater challenge. Oh well–can’t please everyone!
After the dialogue, I chose two students to perform it, filling in the blanks with verb endings and hints for irregular verbs. It was a great warm-up. Next, we did a 5-minute Gimkit session featuring the verbs that would appear on the exam. This quick review really energized them.
Using Peer Pressure to Get SEB Ready
To keep things moving, I set a 4-minute timer and challenged the class: if everyone accessed the exam through SEB before the timer ended, I would reward three random students with a free answer–selected using Class Dojo. The result? Peer pressure worked wonders! Everyone hustled to ensure their classmates were ready on time.
Grading Made Effortless with Moodle
The quiz itself was mostly conjugations, translations, and vocabulary. Students were allowed to use the dialogue on the board, and many appreciated the extra support. Surprisingly, some finished the exam in less than 3 minutes, while others took the full 20. Moodle handled all the grading automatically–by the end of the day, I had 170 fully graded exams without lifting a finger.
Supporting All Learners
While the class average was a B-, my 3rd period–always the high achievers–managed an A-. I’ve decided to let students retake the quiz during office hours next Tuesday, averaging their scores to give them the best possible chance. Moodle and SEB make this easy, allowing me to create a new randomized version of the quiz instantly. This flexibility supports students who learn at different paces and ensures they can master the material, even if it takes a little longer.
Personalized Feedback and Next Steps
One student’s poor performance caught my attention, and I reviewed her exam to see where she struggled. I’m a little worried about a few students who came unprepared from last year, but I’m optimistic. With tutoring, office hours, and lunchtime support, I’m confident they’ll catch up.
Seamless Transitions & Fun Wrap-Up
As students finished the exam, they immediately transitioned to copying vocabulary for the next chapter–something I’ll check tomorrow. It was a smooth process, and during the last 10 minutes, I set up a Gimkit “Don’t Look Down” game for the early finishers. They loved it, and it was a fun way to end the class.